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Healthy living starts right now and Healthy living is within always your reach if you are a smoker is the most important Smoking causes cancer, breathing problems, heart attacks, and stroke. Secondhand smoke causes asthma and breathing problems. Support groups, nicotine replacement therapy, and other medications can help you quit. there may not be forever youthful drug to make you look young always and never existed ageless for drugs . but did you know that parents are the cause of smoke there is the story of someone who is a twin and one smoking and no , there is very obvious that the highly visible peroko old and in fact their lives the same lifestyle they are the same , they also consume the same food , it turns out the research shows that cigarettes cause her parents it was a twin brother who shows bad behavior of active smokers and nonsmokers you see that you know
in my country there was a man aged 256 years and even more than that , he is a man who had been expelled from the village and the forest live , but what happened that you thought photo and data merka with his wife who used to live at home, wife died and he has a long lifetime in a mountain forest and eating natural foods away from the life of frenetic and air pollution , if you have a live view sehar and longevity you can do at least do not smoke and keep yourself from air pollution and can create health the organs of our body is always healthy and long life the man died after the government adopted a number of years and is still the question of why the grandfather became an ageless up to 256 years old is truly remarkable and amazing This a true story that happened in china and it is impossible to open the people who live in the mountains and away from the pollution it turned out to be healthier and live longer they are great people and healthy people because they are natural foods without processed food factories and their own if
On May 1933, the magazine of The New York Times and Time proclaim the death of an old man who came from China named Li Ching Yuen. The debate is its age. Li Ching Yuen admitted that he was born in 1736. Thus, it means he was 197 years old on the day of his death. Some Chinese scientists are curious to work to investigate the truth. Professor Wu Chung Chien university Minkuo find documents that prove that the age of Li is not 197 as stated by its own li Wu Chung Chien find a record of the Chinese empire congratulating Li Ching Yun on birthday 150th year in 1827. When in 1827 he repeated in the 150, then it means royal records show that Li was born in in 1677 and when he died in 1933, he was 256 years old. He has lived through nine emperors in the Qing dynasty for 256 years. He became the longest living human ever recorded in the history of modern. Although the truth is still a big question mark and doubted by many researchers - especially by critics of the western world. We do not know for sure the truth of his history mixed with legend, rumor and these tales. The only fact is that he is a real person and a healthy life until very old age, much older than the others.

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